Monday, April 9, 2012

Here's everyone with their dinosaur masks on.  I think that they look really fierce!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Now the lava is really coming out because we switched to a can for the inside of the volcano.
We are still using the bottle.
We used a little bottle first. The children liked it, but it wasn't putting the lava out.
The kids are anticipating the volcano activity.  This turned out to be their favorite thing.
These girls made a really nice trap for dinosaurs.
Making a trap for dinosaurs using models.
The dinosaur dig was fun.  We used models of dinosaurs and skeltons of dinosaurs. The children buried and dug-up the dinosaurs. This "dig" was fun!
Making a dinosaur trap.  The students used dinosaur models and blocks to make their traps.
The students are gluing popscicle sticks and toothpicks onto the dinosaur for "bones".
We have been working on a Dinosaur Theme.  We did several activities including dinosaur dig, dinosaur stencils, making a trap for a dinosaur, drawing their own dinosaur and naming it, and making the "bones" on a dinosaur.  The big ending was a volcano.  The children loved this. I could have made that volcano explode over and over. We had a great time with this unit!